intution->add two arrays having row,columns
- when matrix[i][j]==0 =>add row[i]=0,col[j]=0
- 2nd loop->check r[i] or col[0] then matrix[i][j]=0;
intution->,1.resize the arr[i] to i+1,then add [i][0].[i][i]=1,
- check i==0 if yes then continue else ->loop
- ans[i][j] = ans[i-1][j-1] + ans[i-1][j]
- Forget things=>1.if less sum then sum=0,only two variable(sum,maxSum) used,intiate maxSum=nums[0]
int maxSubArray(vector<int>& nums) {
int sum=0;
int max=nums[0];
for(int i=0;i<nums.size();i++){
if(max<sum && sum!=0){
return max;
Q.Dutch National flag algorithm
- use three variable ,l,m,h->
- while(m<=h) having three cases if nums[mid] ->
- if 0->swap(l,m) & l++,m++
- (Nested LOOP 1. i<col, 2 j<i )->swap(ar[i][j],ar[j][i]);
- Loop i<col ->reverse(arr[i])
- did by own-->tem<int>(2){initially tem[0]=arr[0][0],tem[1]...}
- 1 Loop with two IF condition,
- 1. (tem[1]>=arr[i][0])then tem[1]=max(tem,arr[i 0)
- 2 .else--> push tem to ans , tem[0] = ar[i 0].tem[1]=ar[i 1]
Q.Rotate Matrix in ClockWise(Spiral transversal of matrix )
- you need for variable
- one while having 4 For loop
- 1. i=je+1 to js ->print(arr[is][j]);
- 2. i=ie+1 to is ->print(arr[i][je]);
- 3. i= je-1 to js-->print(arr[ie][i]
- 4. i =ie-1 to is-->print(arr[i][js]
Q.Search a 2D Matrix(binary search in 2D arr)
- while(l<=h), cal mid=l+(h-l)/2
- things forget IF arr[mid/n][mid%n] > < == further operations
- moore's algorithm-->two variable count=, element=0;
- Loop-->having 3 conditional statement
- IF count==0--> elemnt=arr[i]
- IF element ==arr[i]-->count++
- After loop you get max element having n/2, for checking
- 1LOOP==>IF a[i]==elemnt ,val++ , after loop check is val >n/2
- same as before but just taken 4 variable cnt1=0,ele1=0,cnt2=0,ele=2
- LOOP-->having 5 condional statement
- IF ele1==num-->cnt1++, IF ele2-->cnt2++
- IF cnt1==0-->ele1=num,cnt1=1,, IF cnt2-->ele2=num,cnt2=1l
- Rest is same for checking
- using Hashing-> unordered_Map<int,int>
- check IF map[num-target]>=1==>push num,and num-target
int check = mp[s-num];
- 2Nested LOOP to get fix ,i j value then another while loop(l<h) where l=j+1,h=n-1
- In while Loop there is three condition to check the sum
- esle you find the sum now do further excution
Q.Largets subarray having 0 sum
- we can do this in N , using map<int,int>
- 1LOOP having nested conditional statement on sum{ sum+=arr[i]}
- else-->need to check if the sum is already present in MAP or not
- IF yes-->mx=max(mx,i-map[sum])
- can be sloved easily by a map(we use vector of 256 as a char of map)
- 1LOOP-->having 1 IF condition to check if str[r] is already exist then change l= str[r]
- IF(mp[str[i]]!=-1)-->L=max(L,map[str[r]]+1) {Forget things}
we get max uinque str len in max;
- three pointer->prev,curr,next
- while(head!=null)-->next=curr->next
- A-->in that question need to return max no. meetings pos. can we done if only one room available
- Intutution-->as we need to return pos , we create struct having start, end and postion
- add values in it and sort it i. A.end<B.end{Forget things}
- for auto num LOOP in meeting, with one condition
- IF num.start>limit-->push in ans, & limit = num.end
Q.Maximum number of platform in the railway station
1st approach is about creating struct load data, sort it all and use priority queue(min heap)
- I.e IF curr.arrival>>push, departure , pop
- Then the size of the pq is ans
2nd approach is just not able to understand
sort(at, at + n);
sort(dt, dt + n);
int count = 0;
int i = 0, j = 0;
while(i < n && j < n){
if(at[i] <= dt[j])count++;
else j++;
return count;
- we sort in decending order, i.e having more money will come first
- find out the max deadline by 1LOOP-->maxi= max(maxi, i.deadline);
- create an array of maxiarr(deadline,-1)
- iterate through the data(2 nested loop)
- 2LOOP-->j=i.deadline to j>0==>we check if maxiarr[j]==-1,then add there j, and break
- that sit, while looping add profit variable to track it all and return it as ans;
- most dimaag ka dahi karne walaa
- as always we need to sort but there we sort in some manner like-->
double a=(double)A.second/A.first; {most imp and forget things}
double b=(double)B.second/B.first;
double a=(double)A.second/A.first;
double b=(double)B.second/B.first;
return a>b;
int curr=0;
double profit=0;
for(auto i:items){
int rem=w-curr;
double pro= ((double)i.second/i.first)*(double)rem;
return profit;
- base case i>=arr.size()==>push sum into arr
- call with same s value,ans i+1
- sort the data, ans call recursive function similar to above
- same base case but in recursive call first call push_back data
- then iterate to duplicate then call blank data
while(i+1<arr.size() && arr[i]==arr[i+1])i++;
difficult lil bit, when we allow to use duplicates
- we minus arr[i] from target to check whether it is zero( Base case) ans push it
- ibase case IF i>=size--> has inside IF t==0==> push subarr
- after base case again IF t==0 => push subarr (IMP Forget thing)
- push arr[idx], and recursion with idx(not idx+1)